An 8th Goku Is Coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ

Update: Bandai Namco has confirmed that the younger Goku from Dragon Ball GT will be added as part of the FighterZ Pass 2, which include six new characters in total. The announcement states that he "packs a big punch with special attacks like the Super Kamehameha attack, transforming him into Super Saiyan 3. Goku is also able to use his Super Spirit Bomb, Power Pole, and Reverse Kamehameha to flatten the competition."


Original story follows: 

Despite Dragon Ball FighterZ’s 30+ character roster currently sitting at roughly 10-20% Goku (depending on how you count it), an upcoming DLC will reportedly be adding another Goku as a playable fighter.

According to Japanese blog ryokutya2089, this month's issue of V-Jump will soon reveal that a kid version of Goku from Dragon Ball GT will be added as paid DLC in the future. If true, he will be the fifth base Goku alongside Goku, Goku (Super Saiyan), Goku (SSGSS), and Goku Black, and the eighth if you include the playable Goku fusions that were previously added as DLC, Vegito, Gogeta, and Zamasu (fused).

It’s not confirmed yet, and Dragon Ball GT is notably no longer canon within the accepted timeline of the show. As a series that ran shortly after Dragon Ball Z, the creation of Dragon Ball Super pretended like the entirety of GT never happened. As a result, some fans are questioning why the DBFZ version of Kid Goku would be pulled from GT as opposed to the original Dragon Ball.

That said, given the overwhelming amount of Goku’s that are continuing to flood into the game, I figure it’s only a matter of time anyway. We’ve reached out to Bandai Namco for comment, as well as for confirmation on just how many Gokus there already are.

Tom Marks is IGN's Deputy Reviews Editor and resident pie maker, and this is the most times he has ever written Goku in a single article. You can follow him on Twitter.

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