Towers: 3 Hi-Res Screenshots from the Gorgeous Prototype

In an age where dozens of new games pop up every day, the reveal trailer for Towers has still managed to turn a whole lot of heads. Though what’s shown is still early, made by a core team of six developers in just one year, it’s already wowed a bunch of people, and we’ve got three more exclusive screenshots of it.


Towers is a multiplayer game about exploring and building in a mystical open world. It has immediately drawn comparisons to a Breath of the Wild thanks to the similar-looking glider and climbing mechanics, but the addition of multiplayer, farming, and even town-building stretches it far beyond that.

Here’s a look at three more exclusive images from Towers:

The team behind Towers is a developer called Dreamlit Entertainment, and CEO and Director Khang Le tells us “it’s the same core founders/developers of Hawken,” a mech shooter from 2012. While the Towers trailer is promising some pretty ambitious stuff, Le says their track record means the team “will deliver what we show in our trailer. Just as Hawken did."

A dev comment on the official YouTube trailer points out that the ability to climb on moving creatures in a multiplayer game is particularly hard to make work, but they’ve mostly figured it out already with “only a few visual kinks left to polish.” It also confirmed many of the influences people had pointed out, including Breath of the Wild, Harvest Moon, and several Studio Ghibli movies.

Here’s the trailer, which I highly recommend you watch if you haven't yet:

There’s no word on when we can expect to play Towers for ourselves, but it’s likely still a ways off. The developer’s YouTube comment also asks people to “help spread the word to make this game a reality,” which further reinforces that this is still a prototype in the works.

Dreamlit says it will have more updates as we approach GDC next week, so we’ll keep you posted here on IGN as we learn more about Towers. The team is also looking for feedback on its Facebook page here.

Tom Marks is IGN's Deputy Reviews Editor and resident pie maker, and he loves that weird pink flying thing. You can follow him on Twitter.

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