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Every Returning Character in Borderlands 3
12:12am, 2nd May, 2019

Every Returning Character in Borderlands 3

Gearbox Software recently held and showed off a ton of the title that will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on September 13, 2019. In addition to introducing us to the Sanctuary III - the player's spaceship that will also serve as...
Borderlands 3 First Gameplay Revealed
12:57pm, 1st May, 2019

Borderlands 3 First Gameplay Revealed

Keep refreshing this page - we'll be updating with new Borderlands 3 details as they're revealed! Gearbox Software has shown Borderlands 3’s gameplay for the first time, in a livestream that highlighted a number of new features the studio i...
Borderlands 3: Don't Miss the Live Gameplay Reveal
4:02pm, 26th April, 2019

Borderlands 3: Don't Miss the Live Gameplay Reveal

2K and Gearbox will showcase Borderlands 3 in action on Wednesday, May 1, and you'll be able to watch the gameplay reveal live, right here on IGN. To make sure you don't miss the big reveal, read on for a rundown of when and where you can g...