; #outage

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Facebook users take to Twitter to rail about outage
10:06am, 14th March, 2019

Facebook users take to Twitter to rail about outage

Facebook Inc struggled to restore its services fully on Thursday after a 17-hour partial outage made the world's largest social network inaccessible to users across the globe, driving a wave of online complaints.
Facebook struggles into day two of global outage
5:54am, 14th March, 2019

Facebook struggles into day two of global outage

Facebook Inc struggled to restore its services fully on Thursday after a 17-hour partial outage made the world's largest social network inaccessible to users across the globe, driving a wave of online complaints.
Instagram back up after worldwide outage
4:19am, 3rd October, 2018

Instagram back up after worldwide outage

Facebook Inc's photo-sharing social network Instagram is back up for some users on Wednesday, after suffering a worldwide outage days after it installed a new head of the app.